Inspire Me

Inspire Me

I’ve been thinking about what to write for several days now.  This month is very different. I feel this low level rumbling in the background of our everyday lives.  Between the flood of information on social media, opinions on the political front and the upcoming election, the heartbreaking increase in terrorism and world events, and of course the recent and sickening tragedies involving African Americans and the police… it’s really no wonder.

This rumbling happens in our personal lives too as things arise for the sole purpose of being healed.  It’s hard to process sometimes especially when it is global events that we seemingly have no control over.  My down and dirty advice is simply a reminder.  And that reminder is to keep praying.

Keep praying, keep sending love, keep an open heart and open mind.  And of course, keep pushing forward in your own life so that the current you create through kindness and positive change will ripple out and touch the lives of those around you.

You may wonder how can doing all that help?  Trust me, it does.  All you need to do is touch one heart and the receiver of your love will be inspired to do the same.  I find that when someone does something nice for me, it really motivates me to be my best, most authentic self.

Last night I watched an incredible documentary called “Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru”.  It was just released on Netflix and I highly recommend it!  I laughed, I cried, and I learned a few things, too.  If you’re familiar with Tony’s work then you already know what an amazing person he his.

This documentary highlighted his annual “Date With Destiny” workshop as well as how he prepares for it and how it all comes together.  You will see attendees lives change right before your eyes.  Why?  Because they are inspired to make changes.  How?  Through Tony’s coaching techniques.  One of which is colorful language!

He explains that lasting change happens in an altered state.  He cusses because it makes what he’s saying relateable and jolts people into the present moment.    Of course there is much more to it than just using the f-word!  But point taken!

“We are meant to grow so we have something to give.”
-Tony Robbins

How else does Tony inspire people to live the life they are meant to?  Well, he has a number of tips and techniques that you can learn through his books and videos.  He also has spiritual wisdom.

Let me share with you something he said that inspired me.  He said, “We are meant to grow so we have something to give.” Think about that for a moment.  This was a “wow” statement for me.  Such a simple concept but easy to forget.

Giving, receiving, growing, loving… Isn’t that what life is all about?  If we remain stuck, if we avoid, if we play small then what do we have to give to those we love and to the world? How do we love our own hearts? How can we know joy?

Growth and gratitude is part of your plan, my sweet soul-seeking friends.  Thanking God everyday for another chance to know ourselves and share our perfection (however it expresses – it’s all good!) with the world.

Put the electronic devices down and do it. (After you read my newsletter, of course =)   It must become a daily activity, a training if you will. When you do it daily, you own it.  You bring the energy of gratitude into your nervous system and from there it sets you up to attract all that is meaningful for you.

Dear God/Goddess/Universal Light,
Thank you for this day ripe with potential.
Thank you for the opportunity to grow joyously in your light, to know myself,
and to be reminded of all I AM and all I have to give.
I am enough right now and I have always been enough.
Thank you for all the gifts I receive, as well.
And may the fullness and happiness born in my heart
radiate out to inspire the hearts and souls
of my brothers and sisters around the world.
May your light surround me today, dear God.
Fill me.
Work through me,
for the highest good and greatest joy of All.

Much love and blessings – and thank you for sharing this journey, at this miraculous time on Earth, with me.

Originally published 7/25/16

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Hi, I'm Jill!

I help women create positive change and cope with life’s challenges so they can start moving forward confidently and decisively.

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