Everyone wants to enhance their quality of life. Everyone wants to be more fulfilled. But almost all of us get stuck at times in our limiting beliefs and emotional patterns. We make habits out of feeling frustrated, worried, sad or overwhelmed. But it is these disempowering habits that prevent us from doing what we are really capable of – even if that something is just being happy. ~Tony Robbins

You are the only expert of your life.

Coaching provides options, alternatives and insight on your situation so that, as the expert, you can effectively choose the path that is best for you and in alignment with your personal goals and desires.

Strategic Intervention Coaching (also known as SI) offers guidance and techniques based on a range of disciplines, including Human Needs Psychology.  The term “Strategic Intervention” was coined by Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and Mark Peysha.

As a SI Life Coach, I love to work with individuals, couples, teens, and solopreneurs on a variety of issues:  

  • Marriage, Intimacy, & Relationships (including relationship with Self)
  • Families, Parents, & Teens
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Life Stages/Transitions (new baby, divorce, empty nest, relocation, career, retirement, etc.)
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Career Change/Life Purpose
  • Weight Loss Challenges, Goal Setting and Follow-Through
  • Entrepreneurial Start Up

You don’t have to have a big problem to benefit from life coaching! In fact, coaching is great for high functioning people who need a little extra support and guidance.  Sometimes, just a shift in perspective and a little brainstorming is all you need to get going in the right direction.

Let’s work together to discover what’s really important to you, what lights you up  and what inspires your creativity!

Book a Discovery Session

Life coaching supports you every step of the way and empowers you to move forward with tools and techniques that create lasting change and a life you love.